The Dark Knight Rises For iOS/Android (Iphone/Ipad/Ipod) (Mali GPU/ARMv6/Powervr/ARMv7/Nvidia)

The Dark Knight Rises’ story is based roughly on the events that happen in the movie. It goes without saying then that you should have watched the movie in advance or this game will spoil some key events for you. However, the game takes some liberties with the story, by adding several extra events that never take place in the movie, which is understandable because this is a game after all and there should be something extra for you to do.  

The Dark Knight Rises is split up in several chapters and in each chapter you have multiple missions. The game rushes through the story of the movie in the first couple of chapters and then stretches out the last section of the movie over several chapters. This is understandable as very little actually happens in the first half of the movie that could have been adapted for the game. 

For each chapter you get the objective on the screen and then you have to reach there and do whatever it is you have to do in that mission. In the early missions you will find yourself freeing hostages, disarming bombs and hacking into switches. The hacking involves solving a puzzle, where you have to align all pieces before the timer runs out, although there is no real penalty for missing the mark and you just have to start again. 

The combat mechanics are also the same. You keep mashing a button on screen to punch your enemies and Batman keeps rotating between various attacks until the enemy is down. After that you switch over to the next enemy, then rinse and repeat. This game also borrows the block mechanism from the other Batman games, whereby you will get an indicator on the screen when an enemy is trying to attack you while you are engaging another enemy. Pressing the button causes Batman to switch focus and block as well as attack the other guy who tried to hit you. You even get the same slow motion finishing moves, but this time it’s for every enemy instead of for just the last one in the group

There are some stealth mechanics as well. You can stand on a platform above an enemy and take him down with one key. Similarly, you can sneak up behind enemies and take them down. This rarely works, however, as somehow the enemies telepathically become aware of your presence around them and make stealth take-down impossible, with you eventually having to resort to good ol’ fashioned punching to take care of things. 

For Powervr:
DataPart 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

For Mali GPU:

DataPart 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

For iPhone/iPod/iPad:
Download Torrent: magnet 

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1 comment:

  1. Darkness Rises Hack
    Darkness Rises Hack Mod Apk 2020 Free
